MT-6500 Lanyard Printing Machine Technical Parameters
功率Gross: 9KW
温度范围Temperature range: 0-399℃
时间范围Time range: 0-999Sec.
工作台尺寸Worktable size: 60X400cm
滚筒速度Rotation speed :1.-3.5 meter/minute
包装尺寸Package size: 60X90X135cm
重量Weight :400kg
Temperature control performance
MT -6500型织带印花机恒温采用先进控制系统、控制方式:采用微电脑PID模糊运算控制方式,可根椐外部的环境及,设备的类型来自动设置其内部参数,使其达到值。控制精度:可达正负0.2度,时间全数字化显示,恒温效果好,使用寿命:设计使用寿命为10年。
MT -6500 Lanyard Printing Machine adopt the most advanced temperature control system which is fuzzy operated by microprocessor PID so that it can be automatically set internal parameters based on external environment and the type of device to get best performance. high precision (